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Version: 0.21.2


When you use AskUI you can only interact with elements that you can see on your screen. Therefore you have to scroll down/sideways to interact with currently invisible elements.

Scrolling With Mouse Wheel

If you want to scroll with your mouse wheel you can use the scroll() action:

// Scroll 10 down in y direction<>
await aui.scroll(0, -10).exec()

Scrolling With Key Press

If you want to scroll with a key press you could use your arrow keys (up, down, left, right ) or the pagedown-key.

// Press down arrow key
await aui.pressKey('down').exec()

// Press up arrow key
await aui.pressKey('up').exec()

// Scroll down a page
await aui.pressKey('pagedown').exec()

// Scroll up a page
await aui.pressKey('pageup').exec()

Scrolling on Touch Displays

On touch displays you have to recreate the swipe gesture:


If you want to swipe an element instead of the whole screen: Checkout the swipe() API docs.

// Touch the display with your finger, move finger to the left, release
// Important: Make sure not to accidentially touch a swipeable element
// as this might only swipe the element!
await aui.mouseToggleDown().exec()
await aui.moveMouseRelatively(-1500, 0).exec()
await aui.mouseToggleUp().exec()